Tweets About What It Means To Be The Middle Child

"I'm a middle child. I haven't uttered a complete sentence out loud at a family gathering since 1987"

Did you go from being dragged around to an older sibling’s extracurriculars to being tasked with caring for a younger sibling — without anyone ever paying attention to what it was that you might have wanted?

Neglected, ignored, overlooked: middle children are often made to suffer in silence. And while some of them get really good and living a life undetected, others find dramatic ways to finally get everyone’s attention.

Whether you are a middle child, parent one or love one, these hilarious tweets about the middle child experience are sure to resonate.


My middle child: let’s fight

Me: how bout let’s love

Him: love is boring

— Princess | Mindfulness | Conscious Parenting (@themultiplemom) May 13, 2022

Our middle child was complaining about the style of the hand-me-downs from her older sister.

Sorry kid, you’re not a true middle child if you’re allowed your own sense of style.

— The Dad (@thedad) June 8, 2023

My oldest child sends me silly TikToks through the day. My middle child just sent me plans of how to make a fire torch and this should tell you everything you need to know about a second born child

— Maryfairyboberry🧚🏻♀️ (@maryfairybobrry) July 11, 2021

Boomers and Millenials going after each other and completely ignoring the existence of Gen-X totally tracks with our “middle child” character arc.

— nika (@nikalamity) March 14, 2024

I asked a middle child who was watching my kid’s soccer what activities she does and she said “I do A LOT - I go to my brother’s baseball my other brother’s swimming and my brother’s hockey and my other brother’s soccer...”

— I Hide From My Kids (@IHideFromMyKids) April 29, 2024

I wonder what % of active twitter users are the middle child. I bet it's high.

— Syrup Tishus (@Syrup_Tishus) April 27, 2024

Me, pitching Animaniacs: So the main three break down into typical sibling tropes - there's the smart leader older brother, the cute but aggressive younger sister, and then the middle child who-
Exec, cutting me off: Talks like Ringo?
Me: Talks like Ringo, exactly.

— Gabby Hutchinson Crouch (@Scriblit) April 21, 2024

My 5-year-old, last night circa 11 pm, speaking perhaps the truest words she has ever uttered: “I’m a middle child and I’M LOSING MY MIND!”

— Ashley Parker (@AshleyRParker) August 2, 2024

you think you can hurt me? bro im the middle child.

— abdullah (@ysodumb_) July 28, 2024

Date last night tried to clock me as a middle child

Suffice to say I won’t be seeing him again

— brooke bowman (@gptbrooke) June 2, 2024

The most unbelievable part of the Home Alone movies is that Kevin is the youngest child. No way does a mom forget the baby. Now a middle child. No one remembers the middle child.

— Mommeh Dearest (@mommeh_dearest) November 16, 2021

I'm the middle child.

Of course I could stop mid sentence and no one w

— Marl (@Marlebean) February 23, 2024

Today was national middle child day. It’s okay if you forgot. We’re used to it.

— Leen McBeans ꪜ (@LeenMcBeans) August 13, 2024

[5-year-old asks for a little bother]

Me: You don't want that. Then you'd be a middle child.

6-year-old: Am I a middle child?

Me: Yeah, but it works for you.

— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) December 12, 2020

happy middle child day to all the least favorite kids 🙃

— Kalen Tchorzynski (@kalenanne_6) August 13, 2018

Yesterday was middle child day and nobody even acknowledged it and if that doesn’t describe middle children I don’t know what does

— Angelica (@kiki_alonzo11) August 13, 2018

I'm a middle child. I haven't uttered a complete sentence out loud at a family gathering since 1987

— JP 🍍 (@JPLFR80) March 9, 2024

People being aghast that my family knows about this account is so funny. I’m the middle child, what are they gonna do, pay attention?

— MsLee🌷 (miyazaki’s chosen prophet) (@All_Lee24) August 18, 2024

Why am I so good at UNO? Idk maybe it’s because I’m a middle child so I’m used to being overlooked AKA nobody even notices when I have 1 card left!!! Hello!!!

— Abi Moore (@abimoore11) November 23, 2018

A visual representation of being the middle child

— Mommeh Dearest (@mommeh_dearest) June 18, 2021

Of course I have an inferiority complex, I’m the middle child.

— Momsense Ensues (@momsense_ensues) April 24, 2023

Middle sis: I think we should leave at 9.30
The fam: So we’re all on for 10am?
Sis: Let’s leave at 9.30
Fam: All ok for 10?
Me: Actually, I agree with 9.30
Fam: That’s a better idea! Let’s leave at 9.30
Sis: Now tell me ‘middle child syndrome’ isn’t a thing!!


— Neena Jha (@DrNeenaJha) March 13, 2022

Sometimes I wonder how annoying I would be if I had my middle child first and then didn’t have anymore kids and then went on to think his non picky eating habits were because of something I did right.

— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) March 5, 2021

my whole life changed when i realised that Hades is the eldest brother but actually a middle sibling (demeter, hestia and hera are all older). HE HAS THE BIGGEST FUCKING MIDDLE CHILD ENERGY OF COURSE

— miccaeli ✍️ (@renegadeapostle) October 28, 2018

I’d never steal a tweet I’m an only child I had enough attention at home. Stealing tweets is middle child or youngest child behavior.

— GOTHICC (@frankenfemme_) March 2, 2019

ghost me all you want i’m a middle child baby we thrive off getting overlooked

— crystal (@crystalsug) February 25, 2019

Wasn't there a Babylon Bee on something like "Following Rapture Middle Child Is Not Particularly Surprised About Being Left Behind"?
If not, there should be.

— PoIiMath (@politicalmath) February 21, 2020

No one masters the art of the cannonball like a middle child.

— The Dad (@thedad) May 8, 2022

People always ask me if my problem kid is the middle child but my husband is the oldest.

— Maryfairyboberry🧚🏻♀️ (@maryfairybobrry) March 5, 2020