The 18 Types Of Toddler Tantrum Every Parent Will Have Experienced

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All parents have experienced the toddler meltdown - completely unprovoked, totally irrational and making you look like the worst mum or dad in the world. All because you tried to stop them eating cat food.

Here are the 18 types of toddler tantrum every parent has experienced, or has to look forward to...

1. The first ever one.

Experienced my first toddler tantrum while Christmas shopping in Boots today. Felt like joining her.

— Laura Belton (@laurabelton) December 16, 2016

2. The tired one.

#toddler: I NOT TIRED MOM! *massive tantrum ensues. Me: okay but lets go read a book. Toddler: *out cold in 30s flat #momlife

— Mom Mcmomstuff (@mcmomstuff) December 19, 2016

3. The Monday one.

Dear toddler. Thanks for all the super tantrums. I know, sweet child, Monday sucks. Please wait for the next tantrum till I have more coffee

— Michelle (@Sugar_N_Apples) December 19, 2016

4. The getting ready to leave the house one.

Dealing with the daily "time to do your hair" toddler tantrum has me like

— John Jusino (@407Juice) December 14, 2016

5. The Disney one.

My favourite toddler tantrum is when I mess up the name of a Disney character. Who actually knows the 2 other sharks from Nemo? Come on!

— Erin Loveman DeVan (@totsandtackles) December 8, 2016

6. The snot one.

When the toddler throws a full on tantrum because he got snot on his toy 😂#gottalaugh

— Audra McElyea (@AudraMcElyea) December 7, 2016

7. The toast one.

Not quite sure what today's toddler tantrum is about but think it's to do with me cutting toast into quarters

— Georgina Goode (@GeorgieC) December 21, 2016

8. The drink one.

Real life parenting: making a toddler chocolate milk only to spend 30 min diffusing a tantrum cuz said toddler decides to hate choc milk 😅

— Lindsay Helm (@RaisingHelm_) December 23, 2016

9. The shopping centre one.

(I was taken to the mall to visit Santa as a toddler, but I'm told my socially anxious self had a tantrum of epic proportions.)

— Lakshmi Gandhi (@LakshmiGandhi) December 26, 2016

10. The refusal to accept help one.

Watching my toddler trying and failing, repeatedly, to put his shoe on and having a tantrum if I try to help.

Reminds me of work tbh.

— Mick Watson (@BioMickWatson) January 1, 2017

11. The disproportionate response one.

The toddler tantrum is strong with this one. I told him to drink water instead of getting him another cup of milk. #parenting #ToddlerLife

— Stephanie Brewer (@SbBrewerSt) December 27, 2016

12. The embarrassingly public one.

there's a toddler throwing such a tantrum on the bus it's like deleted scenes from the exorcist

— rach (@rachelpowell96) December 21, 2016

13. The ovary shriveling one.

overhearing a toddler throw THE BIGGEST temper tantrum ever at target: the best form of birth control

— Laura Palmer (@kandapillar) December 11, 2016

14. The ‘I-deserve-a-medal’ one.

I feel like when you take a tantrum screaming toddler out of a store and don't buy them the toy, all the patrons should start slow clapping.

— Marissa Huber (@marissahuber) December 23, 2016

15. The locking myself in the bathroom one.

It's not even 10:30 and I've already locked myself in the bathroom to escape family. Specifically the toddler, mid-tantrum. #merrychristmas

— Gabriela Rappell (@kapiyi) December 25, 2016

16. The double toddler one.

me: toddler, your brother is having a tantrum. please stay out of trouble

— Game Theory Tim (@bigmoneytim) December 23, 2016

17. The giving up on life one.

a toddler just had a tantrum in the middle of primark and screamed "I WANT TO BE DEAD!!"
... same.

— Louise//루이스//路易丝 (@lyrivmveins) January 5, 2017

18. The putting you up for adoption one.

Any body want a snotty tantrum throwing toddler? Free to a good home 😩

— Lorna Saint x (@lornaaaa14) December 9, 2016