UC Berkeley Cancels Ann Coulter Immigration Speech After Violent Protests Over Milo Yiannopoulos Event

But the Trump supporter says she's going to give the talk anyway.

A US university which saw violent protests when Milo Yiannopoulos was invited to speak has cancelled an immigration lecture by controversial Donald Trump supporter Ann Coulter over safety concerns.

According to officials at the University of California, Berkeley, groups responsible for recent violent protests were planning to target the talk by controversial political commentator Coulter, who is often likened to the UK’s Katie Hopkins.

A speech at UC Berkeley by Ann Coulter has been cancelled over protest fears
A speech at UC Berkeley by Ann Coulter has been cancelled over protest fears
Jeffrey Mayer via Getty Images

However, despite the college’s decision, Coulter has vowed to give the speech as planned on April 27.

Speaking on Fox News, the 55-year-old said: “What are they going to do, arrest me? They can put me in the Birmingham jail.

“I’m definitely giving the speech,” she continued.

UC Berkeley shuts down .@AnnCoulter's planned speech. Ann: I AM giving the speech. What will they do? Arrest me? pic.twitter.com/Pd6AM5J99X

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) April 20, 2017

“They [the university] kept piling on requirements, rouses. ‘You can’t speak in the evening, you have to speak in the daytime when kids are in classes. We’re not sure what room you’re going to use, we won’t tell you until the last minute. You have to exclude everyone except students.’

Coulter added: “I agreed to all of their demands and then I wake up this morning and they send out a letter saying how much they love the First Amendment and freedom of speech and they’re so committed to it, but we’re just cancelling her anyway.”

Protests against a Milo Yiannopoulos event on campus descended into violence in February
Protests against a Milo Yiannopoulos event on campus descended into violence in February
Barcroft Media via Getty Images

University chiefs had sent a letter to the Berkeley College Republicans, one of the student groups responsible for the event, saying they were rescheduling the Coulter’s appearance after consulting with campus police over safety.

“We therefore must now work together to reschedule her appearance for a later date,” the letter read.

“We regret this outcome - especially given our unqualified support for our students’ right to bring speakers of their choosing to the university, and out deep commitment to the values and principles embedded in the First Amendment of the US Constitution.”

Fires were set and objects were hurled at officers at Berkeley over Milo's appearance
Fires were set and objects were hurled at officers at Berkeley over Milo's appearance
Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Responding to Coulter’s claims on TV, a university spokesperson told The Huffington Post they had no idea about the alleged demands the college had made “because we’ve never actually been in direct contact with her”.

The only requests the university had made were safety-related, they added.

Further scenes from the anti-Yiannopoulos demonstration
Further scenes from the anti-Yiannopoulos demonstration
Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

“Why she sees those as demands we’re uncertain, because they were simply the recommendations we received from our police department about what would be required to protect her and, most importantly, to maximise the chances that the event could be held successfully and safely.

“In other words, we can’t hold an event when our police department says, ‘No, sorry. We can’t provide safety and security.’”

It is unclear where in Berkeley Coulter may be speaking next week. However, the conservative pundit tweeted yesterday that she had instructed a student group to rent out a venue.

Instructing Berkeley student group to spare no expense in renting my speaking venue - part of my legal damages. https://t.co/EQsiAEWPpW

— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) April 19, 2017

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