Home Office's Ongoing Refugee 'Shame' Triggers Fresh Wave Of Twitter Fury

"Why are war refugees a ‘security risk’ but Russian oligarchs in the House of Lords are not?"
Ukrainian people and their supporters demonstrate in Parliament Square calling on the British government to support Ukraine and its refugees
Ukrainian people and their supporters demonstrate in Parliament Square calling on the British government to support Ukraine and its refugees
Future Publishing via Getty Images

The Home Office’s reluctance to accept more Ukrainian refugees has triggered yet another wave of outrage on Twitter as the country’s humanitarian crisis worsens.

Approximately two million Ukrainians have fled from their home country in the last two weeks following Russia’s invasion, making it the fastest mass migration since World War 2.

Initial reports claimed that 50 people had been able to get into the UK, although that number has increased to 300 on Monday night after Priti Patel said the figures provided by her own department were “inaccurate”.

The government has very reluctantly changed its visa rules to accept more Ukrainians in the last few days.

Now, those with a family link to the UK can gain entry while a second scheme – where refugees can be sponsored by community organisations – is underway.

Yet, No.10 is still lagging behind its allies.

The UK is the only country in Europe which asks refugees to have a visa before entering.

It’s also not escaped anyone’s attention that, as No.10 drags its feet, it is still falling short when it comes to sanctioning Russian oligarchs in the UK.

Some people are particularly frustrated that the son of a Russian oligarch is in the Lords, yet refugees are still being turned away.

Why are war #refugees a ‘security risk’ but Russian oligarchs in the House of Lords are not? #RefugeesWelcome #StandWithUkraine️ 🇺🇦

— Brendan May 🇺🇦 (@bmay) March 8, 2022

Others have pointed out that European migrants are still receiving better treatment than refugees from elsewhere in the world.

Amazing conversion to the cause of migrants entering Britain here from The Times. I can’t quite put my finger on why. pic.twitter.com/EnG7ne6ADN

— Mr Demos of Pnyx (@gem_ste) March 8, 2022

People have compared it to the UK’s Afghan refugee scheme, launched last year.

Mishal Hussein rightly sceptical: it took the govt more than 6 months to establish its resettlement scheme for Afghan refugees & still hasn’t brought anyone new to safety under it since, so how can we have faith when we see similar news of chaos & delays for Ukrainians? #r4today

— Zoe Gardner (@ZoeJardiniere) March 8, 2022

The government’s refugee response has also made some reflect on the UK’s whole approach towards the Ukrainian war.

The Home Office response to Ukraine: Inadequacy, followed by lies, followed by active disinformation against those telling the truth.

— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) March 8, 2022

Twitter users were particularly furious when it emerged the government is questioning Ireland’s decision to open its doors fully to Ukrainian refugees.

The cheek of it. The real problem for them is that it throws their meanness into sharp relief since they can’t dismiss Ireland as a ‘front-line’ state https://t.co/cyzc3hKJ8c

— Sarah Ludford 🇬🇧 🇮🇪🇪🇺 🇺🇦 (@SarahLudford) March 8, 2022

This encapsulates so much of how London approaches refugees. The mindset is geared entirely towards finding excuses to stop those in need arriving. Ireland, by contrast, is rushing to find accommodation for Ukrainians on the principle that those running from war need help. https://t.co/nWEP0Twgsy

— Callum Paton (@CallumPaton1) March 8, 2022

Commentator James O’Brien even claimed there was no “accident” behind the refugee shame.

There’s no mystery, surprise or accident behind our refugee shame. This is what the Government intends. https://t.co/6LOGuSSyQF

— James Oh Brien (@mrjamesob) March 8, 2022

The confusing dialogue coming out of No.10 did not go unnoticed either.

Refugees: a calculated mess

We’ll open humanitarian route
-Priti Patel

No we won’t
-Boris Johnson

We’ve opened up centre Calais
-Priti Patel

No we haven’t

What about refugees?

Ask Home Sec - Liz Truss
I’m not Home Sec - Ben Wallace

It’s an embedded, Brexit-born mindset

— Paul Johnson (@paul__johnson) March 8, 2022

The comparison between the UK and the EU’s approach to visas left some people particularly infuriated, and questioning the prime minister’s claim that Britain is being “generous” to Ukraine.

It’s the first, because no EU country is requiring visas from refugees fleeing the war. https://t.co/dlmWgyQVKB

— Matina Stevis-Gridneff (@MatinaStevis) March 8, 2022

Solidarity in action. The UK has granted 50 visas to the Ukrainian refugees while the Poles have welcomed 1,2 million of Ukrainians in two weeks. “We are generous as we possibly can, we are very, very generous” says Boris Johnson.🤦

— Donald Tusk (@donaldtuskEPP) March 8, 2022

Thoughts and prayers, crisps and KitKats...

Well done, UK, you must be very proud!

— Nicolas Chinardet (@zefrog) March 8, 2022

How can you lie about the amount of refugees you have taken in & then go on to say you have been the most generous country to accept refugees in Europe 🥺? The Johnson Patel twins proposed a bill that would prosecute those helping refugees who are drowning in front of them .

— Tanita Tikaram💙 (@tanita_tikaram) March 7, 2022

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