The US Government Shutdown Explained For Brits

Where's Trump?

Imagine a fall-out between Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn that led to hundreds of thousands of public sector workers being told to go home without any pay.

On top of this, these temporarily jobless individuals would have fewer options of how to pass their time - all government-funded parks and museums are closed.

It seems far-fetched and thankfully in the UK it is. The USA is an entirely different matter - it’s happening right now and is already into its third day.

Dark days in Washington.
Dark days in Washington.
VitaliyPozdeyev via Getty Images

How did it come to this? Essentially a disagreement between Republicans and Democrats about immigration means the world’s most powerful government is currently not funded.


Pretty much exactly what it sounds like - the closing of (some) government agencies and federally controlled buildings and sites.

Those deemed “essential” are spared but employees of the rest (around 40%) are placed on unpaid leave and told not to work.

A shutdown results from an impasse in the US Government when Republicans and Democrats can’t agree on what should be included in the latest spending bill.


At the heart of the disagreement are 700,000 young, undocumented immigrants called “Dreamers” who, under President Obama, were granted temporary legal status.

The Trump administration has a very different view on immigration and has moved to take away these protections, something the Democrats oppose.


This depends on who you ask.

Trump says it’s the fault of the Democrats:

The Democrats are turning down services and security for citizens in favor of services and security for non-citizens. Not good!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 22, 2018

The Democrats say it’s Trump’s fault:

Russia is a real threat to our democracy. Dreamers are anything but. Why is @POTUS willing to shutdown government to deport 700,000 young Americans but won’t even acknowledge a foreign adversary’s attack on us? #TrumpShutdown

— Rep. Joe Kennedy III (@RepJoeKennedy) January 21, 2018

And Bernie Sanders say’s it’s all part of a sinister-sounding plot financed by two very wealthy siblings.

This government shutdown is part of the long-term, anti-government ideology paid for by the Koch brothers.

— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) January 21, 2018

(Bernie might be on to something though - Republican House Speaker, Paul Ryan, collected nearly $500,000 (£359,500) in campaign contributions from billionaire energy mogul Charles Koch and his wife, according to a recent campaign donor report, just days after helping pass a law slashing corporate taxes.)



During the last shutdown (see below) all national parks, zoos and monuments, as well as Smithsonian museums, closed, sparking a subsequent public outcry from both Americans and tourists.

Trump appears to have taken a lesson from this and has moved to keep as many of them as he can open with mixed results.

At the time of writing the Grand Canyon was accepting visitors but others were partially shut.

Monument Valley - open, for now.
Monument Valley - open, for now.
FilippoBacci via Getty Images

Those that do open will likely see reductions in staffing a move seen as “incredibly idiotic” as park services may be able to live up to their stewardship responsibilities.

And in what many saw as a sad irony, the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island were both closed over the weekend.

These Brazilian tourists were disappointed but still looked remarkably chipper about the whole affair.

This family from São Paolu, Brazil are on their first trip to NYC, have been here 12 days and had no idea the Statue of Liberty closed this morning. “Today?! Why?” asked dad Cesar Berti. #GovtShutdown

— Amber Jamieson (@ambiej) January 20, 2018

Thankfully New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo announced the landmarks would reopen on Monday and took the opportunity to make a poignant political point too.

New York State will reopen the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island tomorrow. We will not stand by as this symbol of freedom and opportunity goes

— Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo) January 22, 2018

Other tourist hotspots aren’t so lucky though - the Liberty Bell Centre and Independence Hall did no open on Monday.

Tragically, the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington is also affected meaning its panda cameras are offline.

Tragically, the National Zoo's Panda Cam is down on my computer (and, I suspect, everywhere). Still, the brave resistance to the government shutdown by the Giant Pandas should be remembered as long as people and animals are free.

— Walter Shapiro (@MrWalterShapiro) January 20, 2018


One important loss during the shutdown will be much of the work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) right at the height of flu season.

A pause in research into flu subtypes could have a knock-on effect to next year as there is less time to identify and prepare the vaccines that will be needed.


While schools will remain open, disadvantaged children in the Head Start program - around 6,300 across six states - may have to stay at home.

This also has a knock-on effect as parents will have to find suitable childcare arrangements if they want to go to work.


If closing it would result in immediate chaos or death, it stays open. Such as:

  • Air traffic control and airports
  • Prisons
  • Law enforcement and border control
  • The courts
  • Social Security
  • The military, but...

Military personnel get a particularly rough deal - they still have to work but don’t get paid.

Rubbing salt in the wound is the fact that members of Congress will have to work but do get paid although a coalition of senators has proposed a bill that would prevent them from getting a wage during the shutdown..

Because of the government shutdown, we now have military members protecting our country and not getting paid. Congress should be held to the same standards as everyone else. I will not take my pay during the shutdown and have notified the appropriate officer in the House.

— Rep. Ryan Costello (@RepRyanCostello) January 20, 2018

The military issue has been seized upon by Trump and his team...

Democrats are holding our Military hostage over their desire to have unchecked illegal immigration. Can’t let that happen!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2018

One year into the Trump presidency, Democrats can't shut down the booming Trump economy so they shut down the government instead. This is the behavior of obstructionist losers, not legislators. Do your job Democrats: fund our military and reopen our government #SchumerShutdown

— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) January 20, 2018

... but in a piece for CNN, Retired Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling, took issue with this politicisation, writing:

“If you’re a politician, and your JOB is to pass a budget, do your JOB. Stop wasting time in giving speeches that use the military as either a shield to make excuses or as a tool to drive a political agenda. Those in uniform can see right through that. Plus, they have other, more important things to do and they need your support, not your pandering.”

The Republican’s politicising also rung hollow when they objected to a Democratic move to pay the military during the shutdown.

Early this morning, @clairecmc tried to pass a bill to guarantee military pay and death benefits in the #TrumpShutdown.
Republican Leader Mitch McConnell: I object. WATCH:

— Senate Democrats (@SenateDems) January 20, 2018

One thing that will not close, much to Trump’s disappointment is Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 US Presidential election.

Or, as the President refers to it:


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 11, 2017

The Justice Department has confirmed employees in Mueller’s office are exempt from the shutdown and can continue their work as his office is not funded through the regular congressional appropriations process.


Nowhere yet and he’s not planning to be either by the looks of his schedule.

It has been two days, six hours and 30 or so minutes since the government shut down. President Trump has not appeared in public since, and the only thing on his schedule today is an intelligence briefing.

— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) January 22, 2018

Over the weekend the White House issued an official photograph of Trump purportedly hard at work.

POTUS hard at work

— Alistair Coleman (@alistaircoleman) January 21, 2018


Any US citizens in the UK needing the services of the embassy in London should be OK although the person who runs their Twitter account appears to be at a loose end.

Scheduled passport and visas services, and emergency services for U.S. citizens, will continue at the Embassy during the U.S. government shutdown. We will not be updating this account regularly, except in the event of an emergency. Please visit @StateDept for updates.

— U.S. Embassy London (@USAinUK) January 22, 2018


There have been 18 government shutdowns since the modern congressional budgeting process took effect in 1976.

The most recent occurred from the 1st to the 16th October 2013, under former President Barack Obama, over a dispute between Republicans and Democrats over the Affordable Care Act.

The shutdown cost the US economy at least $24 billion (£17.28 billion), according to the financial ratings agency Standard & Poor’s.


Although shutdowns have happened before this is the first time one has occurred when the party in power controls both Congress and the White House.

Odd thing about this impending shutdown is it's happening over an issue (DACA codification) that the president and leaders of both parties claim to support. That wasn't the case in 2013 when the issue (ACA defunding) split along party lines.

— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) January 18, 2018

Essentially Republicans have control of the US Government but have failed in their attempt to fund it - hardly a ringing endorsement.


If the Republicans and Democrats can’t agree on a deal then the shutdown continues with, as a guide, the average length of the previous occurrences being around seven days.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell rescheduled a vote on a measure to fund government operations through to 8th February.

At the US Capitol, a group of bipartisan senators met on Monday morning in search of a deal but came out disagreeing on whether progress was made.

“We’re in a pretty good space right now,” Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski said as she left the meeting.

But Democratic Senator Joe Manchin said senators remained in a stalemate.

White House legislative director Marc Short told the Fox Business Network he did not believe the Senate would get the 60 votes needed to move on funding legislation that would reopen government.

Republicans control both the House of Representatives and the Senate, where they have a slim 51-49 majority. But most legislation requires 60 Senate votes to pass, giving Democrats leverage.


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