#VoteConservative Tory Mayoral Twitter Campaign Backfires

Trending for all the wrong reasons.

David Cameron's attempt to rally people behind the Conservative candidate for London Mayor has turned into a PR disaster.

#VoteConservative for a better and brighter future. Polls open across the country in less than half an hour. pic.twitter.com/xDFMkijrGg

— David Cameron (@David_Cameron) May 5, 2016

The #VoteConservative hashtag was quickly pounced upon as an opportunity to say exactly why you shouldn't back Zac Goldsmith at the polls.

#VoteConservative To support the offshore tax industry

— Martin O'Neill (@DrNostromo) May 5, 2016

ha! Was stressed out to see #VoteConservative trending but it's actually full of people being sarcastically and demonstrably anti-Tory. lol.

— Annie Mellor (@AnnieEDMellor) May 5, 2016

In fact, by Thursday afternoon the volume of anti-Tory tweets meant the top news stories associated with the hashtag were all along the lines of this...

Not quite what the PM had in mind.

#VoteConservative if you really do think it was poor and disabled ppl who broke the economy & should be punished accordingly

— Amy (@thisisamy_) May 5, 2016

If I ever #VoteConservative will someone be so kind as to kill me. It's alright, my soul will clearly have departed some time before that.

— Rachel Lupin (@_RachelLupin) May 5, 2016

please dont #VoteConservative . Look what they did to our Police service, imagine what they will do to our NHS pic.twitter.com/HUWwsMZHl9

— Shlomo Anker (@Hapoel4) May 5, 2016

There were a few people however who were actually turned by the torrent of animosity.

I genuinely didn't know who to vote for until today. The idiots on #VoteConservative hashtag have made me decide: I'm voting Conservative

— Martin Daubney (@MartinDaubney) May 5, 2016

the hatred from the left hijacking the #VoteConservative hashtag feels, well, not very left to me

— David Clarke (@actordasher) May 5, 2016

And to be fair, some people did take it a bit far.

Anyone planning to #VoteConservative should be shot.

— Bradley Parker (@bparkerrr96) May 5, 2016

@bparkerrr96 Will you be carrying out the execution of 11m people yourself or will you employ some einsatzgruppen to do the job for you?

— Henry Brubaker (@Inst_4_Studies) May 5, 2016

But mostly it was more along the lines of this.

If you want to watch '1984,' but you're too cheap to buy the DVD - #VoteConservative

— The Hourly Terrier (@hourlyterrier) May 5, 2016

If you're really cold of heart
Laughing as we fall apart
Be part of this evil story
Just nip out, Vote for a Tory #VoteConservative

— Andy Hearn (@AndyHearn09) May 5, 2016

Because Bond villains just don't go far enough. #VoteConservative

— Rick Burin (@rickburin) May 5, 2016

If you're unsure if you should #VoteConservative, I've made a handy flowchart to help you. pic.twitter.com/0Z3TaN1bjb

— Simon Caine (@thismademecool) May 5, 2016

If you're going to #VoteConservative, remember the election is tomorrow.

— PocheVillos (@VILLOS_BOAS) May 5, 2016

Later in the day Cameron tweeted a picture of himself and wife Samantha.

Sam and I just got back from voting - whatever you're doing today, make sure you #VoteConservative and #BackZac2016. pic.twitter.com/dfSW6aQnS8

— David Cameron (@David_Cameron) May 5, 2016

The response was erm... predictable.

@David_Cameron I would rather slide down a razor blade and use my bollocks as brakes than #VoteConservative

— Matt Young (@Fixelectrome) May 5, 2016

@David_Cameron I'd rather wipe my anus with a hedgehog than #VoteConservative

— Emilie (@Emilie_Zola) May 5, 2016

The PR fail has not been the only disaster this polling day.

A London council has been forced to introduce an “emergency” voting procedure after widespread problems affected scores of residents on Thursday.

Reports of disruption in Barnet, north London came just after 8am as people attending polling stations found their names weren’t on official lists.

Barnet Council has issued an “emergency proxy vote” for affected residents who can nominate a person to vote on their behalf by 5pm. The nominee will then be able to cast a ballot on their behalf anytime before polls close at 10pm.


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