The 8 Weirdest Pieces Of Celebrity Memorabilia Ever Sold

The 8 Weirdest Pieces Of Celebrity Memorabilia Ever Sold

What do Scarlett Johansson's used tissue and James Blunt's sister have in common? They were both sold on eBay!

It turns out fans can get pretty excited about the opportunity to have something that was once owned by a celebrity, whether or not it's sanitary. From germs to family members, here are the strangest celebrity goods sold to date:

Justin Bieber's Hair
A lock of Bieber's precious hair was once placed in a signed box and sold on eBay for $40,668. The transaction was part of eBay's charity sale and the money was donated to an animal rescue foundation. Though you may think this buyer was a little crazed, he's going to have a darn good investment when cloning becomes mainstream.
Scarlett Johansson's Dirty Tissue
In 2008, Scarlett Johansonn caught a cold from Samuel L. Jackson and made some lucky fan very, very happy. The actress auctioned off her signed, used tissue and donated the $5,300 she earned to USA Harvest.
Justin Timberlake's Leftovers
Back in 2000, 'N Sync was at the height of stardom. Thus, when the singer didn't finish his French Toast at a breakfast interview with New York's Z100, a DJ decided to auction off his leftovers on eBay. The toast sold to a 19-year-old fan for $1,025 and the money was donated to one of JT's favorite charities.
Gary Coleman's Gap Kids Sweatpants
The late Gary Coleman's child–sized sweatpants hit auction with incredible popularity. The pants raised $400,000 before the bids were exposed as fraudulent. The eventual winner was none other than Jimmy Kimmel, who paid $500.
Britney Spears' Used Pregnancy Test
Getty Images
Apparently, Britney Spears made the mistake of taking a pregnancy test in a Los Angeles hotel. In a total violation of privacy, the positive test was taken out of her trash can and sold to an Ottawa radio station. It later went up for auction and was bought by Internet casino for $5,001. Ew.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's Breath
This purchase takes the concept of celebrity memorabilia to a whole new level, because there is no way to actually prove it's existence. A celebrity spotter captured air in a jar while in the presence of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. He then sold the jar on eBay, making $523 on the sale. His post on eBay was advertised as such: "Be the first to win this jar of Celebrity air, which may contain air molecules that came in direct contact with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt." Guess that's all it takes.
James Blunt's Sister
Yes, his sister. Really. James Blunt felt badly when his sister couldn't get to a funeral in Ireland because every mode of transportation had been shut down, for one reason or another. Instead of admitting defeat, the "You're Beautiful" singer turned to eBay. According to GQ, Blunt's ad read, "Damsel in distress seeks knight in shining armor! Desperate to get to a funeral in southern Ireland, please help!" The winning bidder flew Blunt's sister to Ireland in his private helicopter. But, it gets better! The two went on to fall in love and later married.
John Lennon's Tooth
Apparently, John Lennon gave his housekeeper his tooth and asked her to give it to her daughter as a souvenir of The Beatles. That same tooth was sold at auction for $31,200 to a Canadian Dentist. Talk about a niche market ...

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