The Most Deliciously Weird Food Combinations You've Admitted To Eating

Uh-huh honey.

Chances are, you eat some pretty strange things when you're alone. Maybe you have a penchant for cottage cheese and pineapple. Or perhaps peanut butter and pickle sandwiches get you excited. Whatever you love to eat, we bet others will find the odd combinations just as delicious as you do.

To celebrate the weirdness, we've rounded up 31 bizarre food combinations that are actually delicious. And remember, this is a judgment-free zone.

Ketchup + pizza

Cottage cheese + mayonnaise

Cream cheese + jelly sandwich

Coca Cola + red wine

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Boursin cheese + Doritos

Popcorn + melted butter + soy sauce

Popcorn + hot sauce

Ramen + melted Kraft single slice

Cream cheese + olive sandwich

Pickles dipped in orange juice

Getty Images/Damon Dahlen, AOL

Cold pizza dipped in soda

Ritz cracker + peanut butter + raw onion + ketchup

Wendy's chocolate frosty + fries

Greek yogurt + vanilla extract + black pepper

Balsamic vinegar + strawberries

Karandaev via Getty Images/Lauren Burke via Getty Images

Honey Nut Cheerios + cream cheese

Grilled pineapple + Tabasco sauce

Tuna fish + spaghetti with marinara sauce

Mango + brie panini

Cheddar cheese + apple pie

Davies and Starr via Getty Images/Saddako

Hot chocolate + cheese

Peanut butter + goat cheese

Peanut butter + Sriracha + marmalade + basil sandwich

Cheddar cheese + golden syrup

White bread + butter + sprinkles

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Grits + maple syrup

Sausage dipped in honey

Doritos + Mac n' cheese

Mayo + grape jelly sandwich

Hamburger with a softbatch chocolate chip cookie on it

Apple juice + Goldfish

Stockbyte via Getty Images/Michael Deuson via Getty Images
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