What Action Movies Would Look Like Without All The Sexism

In a world... where women are equal to men.

"In a world… dominated by gender inequality and unfair pay, one Hollywood studio has done the unthinkable and made a movie -- for women." That's how a new trailer for a parody film called "Hollywood Solves Sexism" begins.

Created by "Just Between Us" comedians Allison Raskin and Gaby Dunn, the hilarious trailer shows what a Hollywood movies would look like they were really made for female audiences.

"When Hollywood is faced with as great a crisis as the current lack of female roles, what do they do to solve it?" the video's about section reads. "Give women one movie with women stars, co-stars and even a female director!"

Raskin and Dunn play private investigators who go to great lengths to solve the mystery that is Hollywood sexism. The movie includes the following groundbreaking elements:

Female characters who aren't objectified:

Just Between Us/Field Day

A female superhero who doesn't have a romantic storyline:

Just Between Us/Field Day

Action scenes where women wear normal shoes that allow them to fight crime comfortably (i.e. not heels):

Just Between Us/Field Day

And, of course, a healthy dose of girl power:

Just Between Us/Field Day

Now let's get this made into a real movie because we know a lot of women who would be happy to watch it.

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