When I Should I Actually Be Worried About A Cough?

We asked a GP to share the signs.
Person coughing into their hand
Towfiqu barbhuiya via Unsplash
Person coughing into their hand

Imperial College London says that way more of us than you might think (one in 10 Brits) have a “chronic”, or ongoing, cough.

The issue may persist for “decades,” they say, and is more common among women than it is among men.

Of course, that’s just one reason for the sometimes debilitating issue. As GP Dr Ahmed recently shared in a TikTok video, he’s seeing patient after patient with an ongoing cough at the moment.

“I was duty doctor this morning and I’ve seen 20 patients – everyone apart from two or three patients came in with the same complaint,” he stated.

“That symptom is this ongoing chronic cough that everybody seems to have.”

So why is it so common, and when should we worry?

There are plenty of reasons why a person might have an ongoing cough

Part of the reason why so many people have an ongoing cough is that many, many conditions cause the symptom, Dr Ahmed shared.

The most common cause is a “post-viral” cough, which is part of the “inflammation that happens after any virus” and which can go on for “weeks, or in the worst case scenario, months.”

Acid reflux can also cause the issue, because the stomach acid it brings up into your throat irritates it and causes a coughing reflex.

Additionally, Dr Ahmed says, a cough that does on for months can become “habitual,” or psychogenic, especially in children. “This is more of a neurological response.”

Other causes include a post-nasal drip following a cold, which usually makes people especially prone to coughing at night.

When should I see a doctor about the issue?

Per Dr Ahmed, you should book a visit with your GP if:

  • You’ve had a cough for “many weeks”, especially if you’ve had it for months
  • You’re coughing up thick yellow phlegm and/or blood
  • You have any chest pain, shortness of breath, or a wheeze
  • You “don’t feel like your normal self.”

The NHS adds that you should see a doctor after three weeks of a continuous cough, especially if you’ve lose weight without meaning to and/or have a compromised immune system.
