15 Of The Wildest Things Parents Have Done To Teach Their Kids A Lesson

"Thinking about the time when I was misbehaving as a child on Christmas Eve, my Italian grandma punished me by feeding me Chef Boyardee."

Arnold Schwarzenegger recently admitted to some pretty extreme behaviour as a parent. He said in an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, that when his kids were young, he once threw his son’s mattress off the balcony and into the pool because his son hadn’t made his own bed.

Another time, the actor said, he burned his daughter’s shoes in the fireplace when she failed to put them away properly.

He’s not the only parent to go to remarkable lengths to teach their child a lesson. Below are 16 stories from X (formerly Twitter) and our HuffPost Parents Facebook community about the outlandish things parents will do to prove a point.

woke up to every single door on my car wide open, not bc it got broken into but bc my dad is trying to teach me a lesson about leaving my car unlocked

— sylvana (@5ylv4n4) April 1, 2022

I saw that my son left his bike unlocked at school. To teach him a lesson, I rode it home. I thought he’d come home humbled.

Instead he called the cops. An officer found me walking and said, “We have you on camera taking a bike.”

My son, following, yelled, “That’s my dad!” 😞

— Nate McMurray (@Nate_McMurray) September 27, 2019

“I took all the cords for electronics away, worst I’ve done. The things they would do for chargers and HDMI cords!” — Gwendy Moreno

Still laughing at the time my parents punished me by taking away my iPhone & giving me a nokia for a month 🤣🤣 as a parent- that’s brilliant

— chelsea mann (@chellllybeann) September 5, 2023

“My mother repeatedly told me and my sister ‘if you don’t stop fighting over who gets to jump on the trampoline I’m going to get rid of it.’ We laughed and continued to fight over it — and one day she walked outside with a huge knife and cut the fabric in half. And that was that!” — Jenny Yates Jeschke

Thinking about the time when I was misbehaving as a child on Christmas Eve, my Italian grandma punished me by feeding me Chef Boyardee

— Sal (@salanth0ny) December 24, 2022

My mom taught me a lesson when I was a kid about opening the door for people I don’t know. One time a Jehovah witness came knocking & I opened the door & went and got my mom. A week later she came back & my mom let her in the house & made me talk with her at our kitchen table.

— sawn♎️ (@sawnee07) September 21, 2020

“My dad got tired of my sister slamming doors so he took [the door] off the hinges and burned it in the front yard. That was about 20 years ago. Recently, he admitted he only made a spectacle about burning it since he already planned on buying upgraded doors for the house in the future. It totally worked, though! Now I use the story to teach my own kids not to slam their doors.” — Audrey VanScyoc

When I was 7, I wanted to go as Mario for Halloween. I ended up getting in trouble in school, and my Mom punished me by getting me a Luigi costume.

— Sean Carlucci (@SeanCarlucci) October 29, 2022

“While on a trip, my kids were fighting over a toy in the backseat of the car. I asked them to stop a number of times. I finally reached back, grabbed the toy, rolled down the passenger side window, and tossed the toy out. They were well-behaved the rest of the trip, and every trip after that, actually.” — Kathie Hilliard

Youngest kid just called oldest kid a “fraud.” So like a good attorney parent, to teach her a lesson I made her comply with FRCP Rule 9(b) and provide more specificity. #appellatetwitter

— Jody Sanders (@jodyssanders) September 18, 2022

“I had a coworker who once told me she was having trouble with her teenage son exhibiting rebellious behavior. So she took all his favorite things and plastic wrapped them to the dining room table — where he could see them every time he walked through to his bedroom. She said it worked — he gradually earned it all back. He’s grown up now and has a family of his own, but they often visit.” —Tammy Smith

My 10 year old daughter says I'm embarrassing and refused to give me a kiss when I dropped her off at school this morning.

So I'm going to dress up as Big Bird from Sesame Street when I collect her this afternoon to teach her a lesson.

— Cat 🐦 (@jammycat8) June 21, 2022

“My dad one time came in the house and claims that everyone was watching tv and no one even acknowledged him — so he walked over to the tv and cut the cord.” — Jenny Orozco

My son just put a pizza in the oven then went up to his room without setting the timer. I might have to burn the house down to teach him a lesson.

— Danielle-Royals 🆕 missroyalkc.bsky.social (@danielleRoyalKC) October 17, 2022