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It’s no secret that colder weather conditions can wreak havoc on skin health, leaving skin feeling dry, dull, flakey and sore if not properly cared for.
Knowing how to protect your skin in the winter months isn’t always easy as there’s always a lot of conflicting information.
To shed some light on the best approach to winter skincare, we asked a dermatologist what their top tips are for keeping skin healthy as the seasons change.

Hydration is vital for healthy winter skin
Dr Daron Seukeran, group medical director at Sk:n, says that when it comes to winter skincare: “The key thing is hydration”.
“Due to the colder weather and exposure to central heating, the lower air-humidity can cause the skin to lose its natural moisture more quickly, which can result in flair ups of certain skin conditions – as well as cause dry skin in general,” he tells HuffPost UK.
“Keeping skin hydrated inside and out is key, so make sure you are drinking plenty of water as well as applying moisturiser to the skin to keep it hydrated and replenished.
Steer clear of fragranced products
When it comes to choosing a moisturiser for your skin, Dr Seukeran suggests using a non-fragranced moisturiser, as fragranced products can cause increased skin sensitivity.
He also recommends using a larger amount of product during the winter months, saying: “Carry on with your usual routine but perhaps consider using a little bit of extra moisturiser before bed and in the morning to combat dryness.”
Opt for products that have UV protection
It is also recommended that even in the colder winter months you continue to use UV protection to keep skin safe from sun damage.
“In winter we can easily forget that even in a cold environment, the UV from the sun can be high,” Dr Seukeran explains. “Especially on winter trips – such as ski holidays – make sure you use sun protection even in the winter months.”
Be mindful of skin condition flare-ups
From acne and eczema to rosacea and skin sensitivity, the colder weather can lead to flare-ups.
“Winter is a particularly difficult time for eczema sufferers as the condition can be greatly affected by dry air conditions,” Dr Seukeran explains.
“Cold weather can trigger atopic dermatitis which is when the skin gets dry causing dryness and itchiness, this is very common on the limbs.
“Usually, dermatitis conditions are treated with a combination of moisturisers but when severe may require a topical anti-inflammatory prescribed by your GP or dermatologist.”
Below, we’ve picked out some hydrating skincare products you may want to try for everyday winter skin complaints. Remember that all skin is different, so discontinue use if you think a product is irritating your skin and speak to a dermatologist about treatment for medical skin conditions.

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