Women Reveal The Worst Presents Their Husbands And Boyfriends Have Ever Bought Them

'A microwavable egg poacher. Three Christmases in a row.'

Women have been sharing the worst gifts they’ve ever received from men and the results are both hilarious and harrowing.

The discussion took place on Mumsnet, started by a user who spent most of her recent birthday “running around after other people”.

At the end of the day, Liz70 revealed her husband handed her his gift: a small bag of unwrapped Thorntons chocolates.

“We’re not super wealthy, but neither are we skint - no mortgage, and a comfortable amount of savings,” she said.

“I just feel so fucking undervalued and unappreciated right now.”

After hearing her story, hundreds of other women have been dishing the dirt on the men that really, really got it wrong.

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The Forgetful One

“My husband bought me the same book every Christmas and birthday for three fucking years! Couldn’t believe it every time I opened it and he looked all excited and said ‘I know you love Lee Evans!’ Yes I do but not that bloody much! I did check he wasn’t wrapping the same one and giving it to me, I now have six copies.” - downinthedumps3

The Hungry Husband

“My ex got me a discounted Christmas chocolate orange from a petrol garage for Valentine’s. Except he got hungry on the drive home, so he ate it, and just told me that he’d bought it for me.” - Barksdal

The Avid Listener

“I mentioned a couple of weeks before my birthday one year that I quite fancied a toasted sandwich that day. Lo and behold for my birthday I was presented with a toasted sandwich maker. I didn’t really want one that much!” - Fitzsimmons

The Repeat Offender

“A microwavable egg poacher. Three Christmases in a row.” - HerdofAntilop

The Random Purchaser

“Ex got me a tube of Twiglets once for Xmas as well as a hair brush..as in one hair brush, just random on its own.” - shopaholic999

The ‘Simpsons’ Fan

“For my first birthday after giving birth to DS [Darling Son] I got a box set of ‘The Simpsons’. I now am very specific about what I would like.” - rookiemere

The Crafty Proposer

“My partner proposed on my birthday. And I know that seems great but now it’s counted as an anniversary as well so I have to get him a present. On my birthday. Whereas he only needs to get one for both birthday and anniversary. I know his evil plan the dick.” - ImNotJoeMyNameIsHarry

The Last Minute Lad

“One of my now ex boyfriends went to Tesco to buy me a present on the day of my birthday, after he finished work. I was also in Tesco at the same time buying food. It was quite an awkward bumping into one another situation and although I never told him I was pissed off he bought me a CD from Tesco, I suppose it was better than nothing at all.” - Myusernameismyusername

Before You Go
