Women Share Tales Of Sexism With #NotAnAprilFool Hashtag

From everyday sexism to sexual harassment.

While we all did our best to not be caught out by April Fool’s gags on Saturday, the Women’s Equality Party (WEP) has used the day to highlight real facts about sexism which are anything but a joke.

Sophie Walker, leader of the WEP, explained: “This April Fool’s Day, WE are calling out some of the many unbelievable truths about gender inequality in the UK, using the hashtag #NotAnAprilFools.

Women have been using the hashtage #NotAnAprilFool to highlight shocking facts and stories about sexism
Women have been using the hashtage #NotAnAprilFool to highlight shocking facts and stories about sexism
FotografiaBasica via Getty Images

“Last year, for example, 5,700 new cases of female genital mutilation were reported in the UK, while 33% of 5-year-old girls said they wanted to be thinner. This is so shocking it sounds unbelievable - but sadly it’s true.

“We’re using April Fool’s Day to make this point loud and clear.”

Comedian and new Great British Bake Off presenter Sandi Toksvig, who is a co-founder of the WEP, helped kick things off:

WE want to end gender inequality in the UK. Show your support today by sharing your #NotAnAprilFools facts, stats and stories pic.twitter.com/MnsKKh20Ar

— WomensEqualityUK (@WEP_UK) April 1, 2017

Many other women quickly joined in, sharing their stories of sexism on the hashtag #NotAnAprilFool...

When working in an IT shop, a customer asked to speak to a man instead of me. Not my manager, or IT technician, "a man". 🙃 #notanaprilfools

— Claire (@clairewisener) April 1, 2017

Being sat at the head table of a work do in my 20's because the Chief Exec 'needed something pretty to look at' #NotAnAprilFools

— Dionne Jones (@minxyjones) April 1, 2017

My first ever teacher told my mum I was too bossy and they should be worried about me finding a husband. I was 6. @WEP_UK #notanaprilfools

— Victoria Buchanan (@thwindowshopper) April 1, 2017

A man once told me he was surprised I was a chemistry student and girls weren't supposed to be able to do maths #notanaprilfools @WEP_UK

— Fiona Scott ن (@fi0n0) April 1, 2017

I took 2 weeks off work to give birth, and was told off for leaving early by a man who took 9 months off for his bad back. #NotAnAprilFools

— Joanne Harris (@Joannechocolat) April 1, 2017

I was asked if i planned to have children in a job interview #notanaprilfools #Everydaysexism #WomensEqualityParty @WEP_UK @WepRichmond

— Sarah Robertson (@Robertsonsvoice) April 1, 2017

Once told by an editor: we can't employ you, we already have one female reporter on the staff #NotAnAprilFools

— Barbara Brewis (@BeejayBrewis) April 1, 2017

1st day at a new job aged 18. Sexually harassed by older male. Informed manager who told me I must be a trouble maker #NotAnAprilFools

— Penny Colligan (@coldcuppas) April 1, 2017

Previous job as 999 operator.."You sound nice, do you have a boyfriend?" #notanaprilfools

— Emily H (@MissEmBeHa) April 1, 2017

As well as shocking facts...

A third of women students are sexually assaulted during their time at uni #NotAnAprilFools

— Day Z ✨ (@DaisyLindlar) April 1, 2017

Two women every week are killed by their current or ex partners in England & Wales.

Two. Women. A. Week #NotAnAprilFools pic.twitter.com/ATwSLdZPzl

— Katie (@qk_rs) April 1, 2017

Northern Irish women pay into the NHS but don't have access to free safe legal abortions like the rest of the UK #NotAnAprilFools

— London-Irish ARC (@LdnIrishARC) April 1, 2017

There are twice as many men named John who are CEO’s than there are women CEO’s. #NotAnAprilFools

— martha lane fox (@Marthalanefox) April 1, 2017

For every £1 men earn, women earn 81p #NotAnAprilFools

— Louise Brealey (@louisebrealey) April 1, 2017

Women spoke just 27 percent of dialogue in 2016’s biggest films #notanaprilfools

— Shivani (@shivani_uberoi) April 1, 2017

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