'World's Oldest Person', Mbah Ghoto, Dies Aged 146

He said the key to a long life was 'patience'.

An Indonesian man believed to be the world’s oldest person ever has died at the supposed age of 146.

Sodimedjo, also known as Mbah Ghoto (grandpa Ghoto), claimed he was born in December 1870.

However, he was never officially recognised as the world’s longest living person as Indonesia only started recording births in 1900, so his papers could not be formally validated.

However, officials believe his residency card, which had his birth date on it, was valid.


Sodimedjo leaves behind five children, 12 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.

The former farmer and heavy smoker previously put his long life down to “patience” and “people that love me looking after me”.

According to the BBC, he was taken to hospital on 12 April because of deteriorating health, but six days later demanded to go home.

He later died in his village in Central Java.
