One of my love languages is memes. It’s how I tell my friends I love them. Whether we talk every day or once a month, they can guarantee that at some point, they’ll find a meme lovingly dropped off by me like a cat dropping off a rodent. I mean well even if the content isn’t always high quality.
These can be old-school picture memes, Reels, or TikToks, it’s all the same to me. I saw this, I thought of you. Sometimes these contain gentle digs at my friends and their traumas, often they’re just something I laughed at and thought my friend would, too.
I’m not always the best communicator but, if nothing else, I do always have memes and according to Dr Mary Kempnich psychologist at Oxford University, this dubious display of affection actually makes me a good friend.
“Don’t underestimate the power of sending a meme”
That’s right, according to the psychologist, sending memes is a great way to stay in touch. Not only because you’re letting them know that you’re thinking of them but also because there’s no expectation to reply.
She said, “You basically are just showing each other that you exist, you care, and you want to make each other laugh and it doesn’t really matter how your day is going.”
Of course, meme sharing is something of an artform and when you share memes, you know which person would appreciate which types of humour.
For example, I know for myself, one of my friends will always laugh at cows. Anything to do with cows goes directly to her.
According to Kempnich, this is also a positive indicator in relationships. She says that sending a meme shows that you know your friend well and it’s a powerful way to bond. She added, “it’s essentially saying ‘Hey I’m thinking of you and I know you will appreciate this’” and who doesn’t love to be thought of?
Kempnich urges us to not underestimate the power of sending a meme and if you’re on the receiving end, “make sure you leave a little like or a heart.”
Brb, I’m off to be the best friend ever.