Zara Holland Clarifies Reports She Was 'Removed From 'Loose Women' Studios'

She and her Miss GB replacement came face to face on 'Loose Women'.

‘Love Island’ contestant Zara Holland has set the record straight, following reports claiming she was escorted out of the ‘Loose Women’ green room following a showdown with her Miss GB successor.

Zara was famously stripped of her beauty pageant title earlier this year, after she and fellow ‘Love Island’ participant Alex Bowen had sex on television, which Miss GB organisers claimed breached the rules of her contract.

Zara and her replacement, Deone Robertson, were said to have had an “aggressive” confrontation following their appearance alongside one another on Thursday’s (18 August) ‘Loose Women’, but the star has now offered her side of the story.

Zara and Deone
Zara and Deone
Ken McKay/Rex/ITV

The newspaper claims that things then took an “aggressive” turn, at which point security intervened, though Zara has insisted this is far from the case.

Zara last year, before she was stripped of her title
Zara last year, before she was stripped of her title
Danny Martindale via Getty Images

An ITV security guard has also tweeted that he can “safely say this never happened”.

Thank you! From the security guard at ITV!

— Zara Holland (@zaraholland11) August 18, 2016

However, Zara did have plenty to say to Deone during their joint interview, namely that as someone who “stands up for women”, she wouldn’t have taken the crown from someone else.

Deone then explained to her predecessor: “If I didn’t take it, someone else would have and this is my dream too.

“You gave it up. You made the choice. Zara worked really hard to win and she did lots of charity work. But if you can’t fulfill your role, it does say in the rules that it goes to the runner-up.”

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