Well by jings, it has been a small while since I had a chance to construct a blog, so please forgive my tardiness.
I would like to introduce you to an exclusive interview with Fozzy front-man, best selling author, former wrestling champion and all round entertainer, Chris Jericho.
If you read one of my earlier posts , you would have discovered the amazing, rock'tastic Fozzy.
This band are lighting up the music scene with their high energy live shows, as we experienced when we caught up with Chris and the guys backstage at the Cathouse Rock Club in Glasgow.
I would like to say that this band really are worth your investment in time and money. They give so much back to the fans with their fantastic VIP Experience.
Here is where fans have a chance to hang out backstage with the guys. They get to crash in on the soundcheck and most importantly they all get to have dinner with the band.
We were privileged to have had the chance to witness this VIP Experience first hand.
As everyone sat down to a true Glaswegian dinner of fish and chips washed down with a healthy dose of our national drink, Irn Bru, it was great to see everyone relaxed and chatting about life and other topics.
Each member of the band are indeed a credit to their success. All happy to chat and spend time with everyone involved.
What sets this band of musical warriors apart from the others is that they seem more like a family, a hard working family.
Guitarist Rich Ward and drummer Frank Fontsere are involved in other great projects. Originating from the underground sensation, Stuck Mojo, they now are getting ready to launch, along with Terry Chism and Simon Farmery, their debut album as the amazing Walking With Kings. More on them in my next article, along with a special readable interview.
I also had a great chat with guitarist Billy Grey.
He told me to check out his other band and by jings, these guys are good. Pop over to Dangerous New Machine and tell them Captain SIB sent you, if you like it heavy then you should be pleasantly medicated.
This was a special tour for Fozzy in many ways, but the big treat was that we got to see new bassist Paul Di Leo in action. This guy has a great stage presence and a fantastic skill with his weapon of choice. Recently joined Paul replaced Sean Delson as full time bass player.
Sean Delson plays with Mike Martin in the fantastic Agent Cooper.
Captain SIB have been lucky enough to meet some fantastic folks on our journey. We would like to thank Fozzy's road manager Toad for his time and patience on the day.
Also thanks to Ann and her VIP Team for their help and pens.
Make sure to check out Fozzy's official FaceBook page and stay tuned for the new album in June.
So now let me introduce to you, our exclusive interview with Chris Jericho. Thanks for reading and check out Episode 21 of The Captain SIB Show, it's a Fozzy special!!
Much Peace.