Charity Objectives Decided for the World Youth Organisation

It gives me great pleasure in announcing between a joint effort from the Charity Commission and trustee board from the World Youth Organization we have come to a decision on our charitable objectives.

It gives me great pleasure in announcing between a joint effort from the Charity Commission and trustee board from the World Youth Organization we have come to a decision on our charitable objectives.

It has taken many months to decide on the correct wording for our objectives but finally we have come to a fixed decision. The World Youth Organization will;

Act as a resource for young people up to the age of 25 by providing advice and assistance and organising programmes of physical, educational and other activities as a means of:

  • advancing in life and helping young people by developing their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as independent, mature and responsible individuals;
  • advancing education;
  • relieving unemployment;

The video above gives a more detailed description of this.

More information can be found at the World Youth Organizations official website


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