The threat which posed danger to humans across the globe, the virus which spread like wildfire, Ebola still presents a risk to all of us. But where is it now? What are the facts and figures since the outbreak in February 2014.
Well, like any virus, it is hard to tell what's going to happen next, but as far as statistics and facts, the Ebola outbreak has definitely got a lot more quite. With far less confirmed cases and deaths, the situation has now begun to steady and slow.
So the facts.
Overall there have been a total of 28,607 cases and 11,314 deaths globally. Some shocking numbers. The total was added from all countries affected by the virus, which includes Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Italy, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Spain, United Kingdom and the United States of America.
The World Health Organizations stated in it's latest report published on the 4 November 2015 that there have been only one new confirmed case of Ebola (EVD). This was reported from Guinea. But as being one of the top three countries in Africa affected by the virus it's not surprising there are still the occasional case. Only one new case in November is great compared to a year ago.
Without the international support and togetherness these numbers would have been a lot different. I completely am in awe with all the amazing volunteers who risked their own lives to help others in the outbreak and continue to do so today.
The facts with regards to health care workers may seem shocking. Despite the attempt to protect individuals from catching the virus 881 health works were infected and a total of 513 died. These facts were totalized from Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia and added from the beginning of the outbreak to today (10 November 2015)
Incidences and cases have remained at 5 or fewer per week for 14 consecutive weeks.
Was international aid delayed? Should more have been done during the crucial first few weeks of the outbreak?
It's a tricky question to answer. International aid did arrive, but perhaps a faster response should have been planed out more comprehensively in the case of an outbreak of Ebola. Similar situation plans were already in place, but was it followed to the best it could have been? As far as I am aware the WHO have now outlined a much more detailed structure in the eventuality of a similar outbreak. This includes the response time and action notes which must be followed by not only the country from where the outbreak originated from, but all countries across the globe. It also outlines the international support required by all countries as a necessity in controlling a virus spread.
Another subject which should be focused on is education and the creating of awareness. This should be taught to everyone, not just children and young people. This can be executed in a work environment, educational establishment, public toilets and even a bus stop.
Spreading awareness and educating is easy, people just need to be willing to cooperate.
A stable healthcare framework should also be structured in countries where the outbreak was worst hit. The people of these countries should be reassured that if similar situations were to arise in the future, the country can offer some kind of health service to them.
All current statistics and facts can be found here