Furry Females in Medical Research - Why Fe-Minnie-ism Matters

In labs, using male mice models is often a default move. Male models are considered 'easier' and more uniform.

Last Sunday the 8th of March, it wasInternational Women's day, an opportunity to remember and claim loud and clear that women need equal rights to men. But there is often a female injustice that goes unseen. These females are small and furry but their impact is tremendous. We often forget about those little beings that help us fight for equal female health rights. The female presence in labs is completely under-represented, and I'm not talking about the humans there, but mice - the animal models used to discover and test new medicines are almost entirely male.

Does it matter? Well when you also consider that most human trials are also done on (young) men, any possibility of detecting female / male differing responses to a new drug are ruled out.

In labs, using male mice models is often a default move. Male models are considered 'easier' and more uniform. Among 1200 neuroscience papers from 2011 and 2012, only 42% reported the sex of the animals used, and when it was reported only 24% were female. This is not only a trend; it is a complete refusal to study the female sex. But, you understand, female mice have these hormones that cycle every four to five days and this could create problematic variations in the data. And honestly who wants to control for those hormonal changes with vagina swabs, the humans don't like it and the mice even less.

Ironically, for most applications, female mice tested through their hormonal cycle display no more variation than males do. In fact, there is actually on average a broader spectrum of variation in males for several different traits and behaviour, such as appetite and use of an exercise wheel.

Reliance on only male models to study diseases or develop drugs is another form of discrimination to the female- a discrimination on a life threatening level. Males and females don't have the same bodies. You don't need my help to see the exterior differences; I don't need to convince you either that there are also more subtle internal physiological ones. There are significant differences in the way male and female animals and cells experience disease and react to drugs, partly due to hormonal and genetic intrinsic differences. For example, neurons from males or females will use different signalling pathways and females are more susceptible to Multiple Sclerosis but develop less severe forms of the disease.

In clinical studies, females are also vastly under-represented. Since 1993, the NIH revitalisation act requires the inclusion of women in NIH funded clinical research. Unfortunately, women still remain under-represented in biomedical research. A 2004 survey on nine medical journals showed that only 37% of the participants were women (in drug trials it was only 24%) and only 13% of the studies analysed the data by sex. And I'm not even going to start on data for pregnant women.

When results are not verified in women this causes potential danger. For example, the bodies of men and women don't react to aspirin in the same way, but the doses have been decided on a male standard. This could be the reason why women are 1.5 times more likely to develop an adverse reaction to prescriptions than men. Differences can be particularly acute in cardiovascular diseases: females at an early stage of heart disease can experience fatigue, abdominal discomfort, and back, jaw and neck pain, all of which according to standards extracted from studies on men are considered atypical - and as a result diagnosis can be delayed and put patients in danger.

If that wasn't enough to convince you that more females are needed in the lab, a recent study shows that the male mice used in labs are afraid of men but not women. Male mice are stressed by the presence of male researchers because they see them as competition. This male-stress effect can be countered if a woman is present in the room. However, the results of many studies might be skewed by having male mice interact with male researchers.

There need to be more female mice, more female clinical subjects, but we would also be better off having equal amount of women researchers in the lab.

Giving equal rights to men and women doesn't only mean equal health but equal understanding of their body and equal health care. And right now that is not the case. However, efforts are going in that direction as the NIH has implemented last year and this year regulations urging scientists to use more female subjects in their studies. Let's hope it will work.


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