When people think about meditation it often conjures up the idea of sitting alone in a quiet room for hours on end, lights down low, and so much silence you could hear a pin drop. Don't worry if this is you, because that's what so many people believe is the way to properly meditate.
But luckily it's not. The practice of meditation can be found in many formats, from walking meditations, to chanting, to short mindful moments and my personal favourite, group meditations.
If the aim of meditation is to quiet the mind, calm the senses and bring an ease into your daily routine, then the method in which you can find your stillness can be done many ways. And they'll all be beneficial to your daily life.
For those of you who have never participated in a group meditation, it's an amazing human experience unlike anything else. A group meditation is a class, event or session where people come to sit in stillness together. The sessions are usually gently guided and often supported by a simple soundscape, or practitioners enjoy the sound of silence. But when we sit together, and offer our collective breath, the energy is palpable.
When we come together as a community and sit, we take the time to connect with ourselves, each other and the world around us and through the shared power of breath, the experience is beyond special. It's something that can't really be explained, you just have to be there.
These days in our western world, and most recently in London, there is a rise of awareness in mindfulness and starting a meditation practice. Our project justbreathelondon.com is a community of like-minded Londoners who come together weekly and monthly to share in a mass meditation where the power of our breath becomes in sync and we turn the volume down together for our meditation session. As the world wakes up to a mindful way of living, our growing community of 'Breathers' is in it together.
Join us this weekend as we bring the London community together for a mass meditation for Wanderlust 108 in what will be one of the largest group meditations with over 2,500 people sitting together in stillness. It's sure to be a breath-making and breath-taking event.
I'll lead the mass meditation with special guest Arli Liberman providing the soundscape for the session.
And YES, you can sit with us. @justbreathelondon x @wanderlustgb
Michael will be leading the Mass Meditation at Wanderlust 108, taking place Sept 23rd, 2017 at Victoria Park, London; for more information about the event, including ticketing, vendor and volunteer applications, please visit https://wanderlust.com/108-events/london/
Facebook www.facebook.com/wanderlustgb
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Michael James Wong is an International Yoga Teacher and Meditation Guide based in London. Originally from Los Angeles, Michael now travels the world sharing a real world modern day approach to the practice.
Michael is also the Founder of www.justbreathelondon.com @justbreathelondon, a community project to bring mindfulness to the masses. You can find out more about him at @michaeljameswong & www.michaeljameswong.com