Can Lush's Manchester store help you break your plastic beauty habit? 🛀
Scientists at City University London have been trying to understand how to feed and save the world for the next generation. Their answer - "the planetary health diet" - which does not completely banish meat and dairy but does require a shift from meat to vegetable consumption. Here is a daily breakdown of what you should be eating.
Our intensive meat production is simultaneously environmentally unsustainable and bad for human health – Britain must lead a swift change
Do we need to stockpile the Nescafe now?
Each year, 1.6 billion tonnes of food goes to waste, that’s about one third of the food produced globally. By 2030, that figure is expected to increase to 2.1 billion tonnes. And yet, in the UK alone, an estimated 8.4 million people are struggling to afford to eat. That’s equivalent to the entire population of London.
They're too tiny to go in your home recycling bin.
Sunshine is just around the corner, we promise 🐝🌺
Up to a million were found floating last week in the Darling River.
The solutions are out there, we just need the government to grasp them
The government plans to ban them.