
Philip Alston, a UN expert on extreme poverty and human rights, found one in five of the population now live in deprivation.
Professor Alston said “austerity could easily have spared the poor, if the political will had existed to do so”. We need a radical change to establish the sort of society we want to become.
There are some patients that we can’t help but carry along with us.
Andrew and Lisa Roussos, who lost their eight-year-old daughter, Saffie, want support available before an atrocity happens again.
An inquiry will explore whether the benefits reform has increased "poverty and misery".
Council leaders are calling for clarity and emergency funding from the government, a new report has warned.
Chinese tech giant Huawei has been in the headlines this week. First, the US first blacklisted it, causing Google to halt business relations with them. Then the US rolled back the ban and gave Huawei a 90-day trading license. We look into why the US is fighting with Huawei, how much of it is to do with security and the growing trade war between the US and China.
The alleged offence occurred in the Richmond Heights Woods.