
Including the time Nigel Farage 'couldn't remember' what he was doing in the building.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been arrested by the Metropolitan Police inside the Ecuadorian Embassy. The police were carrying out an arrest warrant issued in 2012. Assange took refuge in the embassy in the same year to avoid extradition to Sweden on sexual assault charges which were eventually dropped. Assange remained in the embassy fearing he would be arrested by British authorities and extradited to the United States where federal prosecutors were investigating WikiLeaks.
The WikiLeaks founder was also arrested for breaching his bail conditions.
Four California counties said they will seek the death penalty if Joseph James DeAngelo is convicted, despite the state's halt on executions.
The Oscar-winner won initial damages of A$850,000 after a court ruled that the Australian arm of News Corp had defamed him.
His remarks came after he threatened to impose high tariffs on goods from the EU.
This comes months after the same publisher was slammed for publishing offensive statements in a GCSE sociology guide.