
The incidents took place on both Monday and Tuesday nights.
The family of 17-year-old Osaib Altaf's family told HuffPost India that he drowned in a river as he tried to escape police.
Kim Kardashian lobbied for the release of Brown, who was convicted of murdering Johnny Allen when she was a 16-year-old sex trafficking victim.
A smartphone app might be able to accurately detect blood pressure – but will it work on people of colour?
The 34-year-old did not return from a morning run while holidaying on the Greek island of Ikaria
Reece Dempster, of no fixed address, will appear at the Old Bailey on Friday.
Shahid Mohammed fled to Pakistan as police investigated the fatal blaze in 2002.
"If we really want to open up the establishment, we need to stop aspiring to be the chancer who hurtles through life. For many, bloody hard work is the only route to success – let’s celebrate that," writes Jess Brammar.
Over 1,500 residents were ordered to leave the Derbyshire town last week.
The scheme was seen as a rite of passage for many young people – until the dawn of budget airlines.