
From traffic cones to woks, the ongoing protests in Hong Kong have resulted in some innovative use of everyday items by protesters looking to protect themselves from teargas, rubber bullets and from being surveilled by the police. Protests have been ongoing for weeks, as protesters demand that leader Carrie Lam step down for trying to push a Chinese-extradition bill through the legislature.
Reading from a teleprompter, the president incorrectly invoked the city of Toledo instead of Dayton, where nine people were killed this weekend.
Watkins denies one charge of possession of a mobile phone in a prison.
The 21-year-old alleged El Paso attacker authored a three-page document on 8chan explaining his motivations.
After 29 people were killed in two deadly shootings this weekend, state Rep. Candice Keller blamed the violence on “homosexual marriage,” “drag queen advocates” and more.
Not for men to like me, or invite me into their gang, but so that things can get better for all, writes author Amy Kean.
The president commented on the two shootings over the weekend in Texas and Ohio.
GMB Union members say they do not think this contract is a fair deal.
Staff at around 153 stores will be affected by the latest round of redundancies.