air pollution

From buying house plants to changing your route to work – here's how to limit your exposure to pollution on a daily basis.
Researchers in Beijing analysed data from more than 255,000 pregnant women.
Exposure to air pollution is linked to hair loss in humans, scientists say.
Women exposed to air pollution during pregnancy were among those studied.
More ambitious limits on the concentration of different air pollutants are welcome, but the most important issue is achieving compliance with them, researcher William Nicolle writes.
People who live in cities are at higher risk of emphysema lung disease, according to new research.
In the UK, 44,895 cases of asthma could be avoided if the country reduced air pollution.
It can sometimes feel like every week there is a new thing that’s said to cause cancer, from the obvious to the unexpected. The one element that most of these headline stirrers have in common is carcinogens. We take a look at the most commonly-faced factors in the International Agency For Research on Cancer’s list of cancer-causing carcinogenic substances and activities.
The report found a higher loss of life expectancy in Birmingham than Manchester.
Doctors told me studying in the big smoke was putting my life at risk, so I had to give up my dream career in London. When will the government act to protect people like me?