am i doing it wrong

This ophthalmologist warns that it “could affect your vision permanently.”
"I can just see the plaque growing in my heart when I see those," Dr. Guilly Rebagay said.
You're probably touching it every time you go out to eat — and you really should be washing your hands afterward.
Swapping out your hazardous cleaning products for these kitchen items could keep you and the planet safer.
According to a doctor, there's "no negotiation" that this is the best way to get clean in the shower.
Dr. Yaniv Larish told us what we should be feeling and seeing when we pee — and what may be a sign that it's time to visit a doctor.
This small adjustment could prevent someone with malicious intent to find out where you are and what you’re doing.
It might not actually be the best way to show your furry friend affection. Here's what a veterinary behaviourist recommends.
Considering how much our furry friends offer us, how can we ensure they’re as content as they can be?