ben wallace

“President Putin should be and can be in no doubt that the international community is united against his actions," Ben Wallace said.
Defence secretary says Russian president is now a "spent force" in the world.
The defence secretary also re-iterated the UK government's opposition to a no fly zone above Ukraine, warning it would lead to war across Europe.
Defence secretary claims Russian forces will probably become "more violent" in the coming days.
The foreign secretary previously said she would back anyone who wants to volunteer with the Ukrainian forces.
The defence secretary also doubled down on his claim that Vladimir Putin has 'gone full tonto' by invading Ukraine.
The defence secretary also said the British army could 'kick the backside' of the Russian president.
The Queen is said to be footing part of the bill for the Duke of York's lawsuit which could cost up to £12 million, according to reports.
Ben Wallace said Russia had not "taken the foot off the gas” and that we had not seen evidence of the withdrawal claimed by the Kremlin.
Just hours after ministers said there were “no plans at the moment” to deploy troops.