
HuffPost UK hit the streets of Birmingham to ask residents what community means to them and how Birmingham helps foster a sense of it.
The world's first Loneliness Minister wants to stop people being cut off from contact with others.
Benefits reform, homelessness and crime among the major concerns across city.
'This isn’t OK. The longer anyone is left with mental health problems, the more complex they become.'
Birmingham has long been touted as a beacon of diversity, but a closer look shows segregated communities where residents may tolerate one another, but are not integrating. Some argue their living arrangements are by choice; others say the city is a representation of a divided and segregated nation that warrants concern.
"There’s a strength in talking about these experiences."
I want my audience to spend more time just revelling in the world, to take time, ponder and wonder
Birmingham is the youngest city in Europe - but as demand for help rises funding is being cut
It can be hard to take the plunge. But you can turn your passion for food into a job.