Books and Publishing

The TV presenter picks her favourite books for isolation – from cookery to current affairs to page-turning 'holiday' reads.
Who knew the Tarantinoverse and the Deep Dark Wood had so much in common?
A group of animals argue about whether they should leave the very story they inhabit? Meta, or what!
The author of "Go The F*ck To Sleep" is back – and has plenty to swear about.
The author launched the sequel, The Testaments, in London on Tuesday.
HuffPost readers and writers recommend old favourites to take away with you.
What Works For Me: The presenter on fitting in, breaking out – and how a deep-sea dive helped her see life more clearly.
The novelist drew upon his experience as a journalist and activist to create the sweeping, emotionally resonant novel Correspondents.
The title of best-selling book on black women and success was allegedly used without the authors' permission.