
The tremor measured a magnitude of around 7.1.
California has become the first state to protect black people from hair discrimination.
The CROWN Act would outlaw policies that punish black employees and K-12 students for wearing their natural hair and protective styles.
Doctors in the United States have started prescribing forest bathing to improve patients' general health. Inspired by the Japanese activity of Shinrin-yoku, or "taking in the forest", forest bathing is a way of immersing oneself in nature to boost physical and mental health. A small study in Japan has shown that two nights of forest bathing resulted in a 50 percent increase in anti-cancer NK (natural killer) cells.
Alva and Albert Pilliod both contracted non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Another dead gray whale has washed up on a San Francisco beach. It's the ninth whale found dead in the Bay Area since March. Researchers say, the 41ft-long adult female was hit by a ship. The Marine Mammal centre said three previous whales died from ship strikes and four from malnutrition. But they suspect warming ocean conditions might also be a factor linked to their deaths.
Louise Turpin broke down in court as she apologised to them.
Four California counties said they will seek the death penalty if Joseph James DeAngelo is convicted, despite the state's halt on executions.