Chronic Pain
My husband could have sent me postcards from our vacations, given the time I spent in bed during them.
Fibromyalgia and a stroke in my 20s leave me in chronic pain – but after my landmark cannabis prescription was overruled, I refuse to go back to my costly prescription
Jo Cameron only realised in her sixties that it was not the norm to never feel pain. It wasn’t until she came out of a notoriously painful operation unfazed that her doctor suspected Cameron was different. She has gone through life bumping into things, burning herself and even getting her teeth knocked out without feeling any pain. Scientists at University College London hope that research into the mutated genes which cause Cameron’s condition will lead to better treatments for chronic pain, PTSD and wound healing.
Bosses at the clinic say it will provide a lifeline to those experiencing chronic pain.
Thinking positively is always a good thing, but it isn’t a magic wand
It's been linked to diabetes, cancer deaths and liver disease in two new studies.
Ten minutes is never enough, medication is not the only improver, and running late is also a right pain in the neck.
The researchers suggest knitting could 'save the NHS funds'.
It would do us well to consider more what the patient is saying rather than who is saying it