Conservative Party

I'm a pragmatic Leaver but despite all the slick soundbites and slogans, the Brexit Party has no solution, no realism, no policies.
Many of us are adapting our lifestyles and giving up plastics, however we need to recognise that the plastic crisis is felt especially keenly in developing countries.
We must develop a new vision, ruthless in our pursuit of would-be Conservative voters and generate a fresh policy platform that speaks to improving their lives and the futures of their children.
It might seem anti-feminist to blame a woman for her partner’s politics but McVey should and must be judged on her choice of partner in fellow MP Philip Davies.
“Why don’t you resign? We don’t want you.”
Both of the top two parties claim their councils charge less than each other – but voters should take their misleading claims with a pinch of salt, Full Fact's Abbas Panjwani writes
Trials could lead to all voters being forced to show their papers at the ballot box – but why would we spend £20million per election on making it harder for millions to vote?
Labour seem to think they have a monopoly on my community and divine right to my vote – but these self-appointed guardians of virtue certainly do not stand for me
“We know that many councils’ finances are stretched. But, life costs more if you are disabled."
It'll be uncomfortable and painful but, like a root canal, the Tories might find there is no alternative