Conservative Party

"One of the MANY jaw dropping events today is that Jeremy Hunt has shot Liz Truss’s ONLY fox."
Liz Truss's premiership is facing obstacles she may not be able to overcome.
Prime minister told the "the game is up" as she battles to save her premiership.
Ex-Labour leader responds to David Cameron's seven-year old jibe after Kwasi Kwarteng's departure.
The government has just appointed its fourth chancellor of the year.
It may have only been 38 days, but it's been quite the ride.
Stuart Murdoch, from the band Belle and Sebastian, said Conservative polices are "an insult".
Greg Hands says the chancellor's job is "totally" safe as Kwarteng dashes home to London early from Washington amid U-turn speculation.
The BBC said it has upheld a complaint about a tweet shared by the sports pundit in February.