Conservative Party

If I’m selected to be my Party’s candidate for London Mayor, my positive, upbeat and optimistic vision for our city will do just that
The road to fracking in the UK hasn’t just been an assault on our climate and countryside. This has been a full frontal attack on our functioning democracy.
Johnson's entire working life has been characterised by career and ego coming before ethics, decency or the good of the country
We have now reached a moment where both main parties are suffering from institutional racism - neither are worthy of leading this country
May’s premiership has the appearance of being one long withdrawal from positions, policies and principles
Nicky Morgan warns party to learn lessons from Corbyn's takeover of Labour.
To tackle the scourge of homelessness, support resilient communities and resolve the housing crisis it is only a Labour Government willing to deliver
But charities warn it won't provide a 'total fix' for homelessness.
Ex-minister warns party could ‘write itself out of history’
It boils down to the fact that they cannot command a majority in the House of Commons over, even slightly, contentious issues