Conservative Party

Due to a catastrophic lack of representation, women who do rise to the top often have an extraordinary amount of pressure on their shoulders
The unprecedented mobilisation of officers this week ahead of the Trump visit, the World Cup and demonstrations by far-right extremists will not be accompanied by new, additional officers
Matt Hancock comes into the NHS at a crucial time - its funds are short and its needs for innovation are great.
Before I was elected I spent more than two decades as an NHS nurse
Theresa May promised a country that works for everyone, will she support fair wages for everyone who works, regardless of age?
I was told I had a brain tumour the size of a woman’s fist. In that moment the world stopped
He worked with Arron Banks and Nigel Farage in the EU Referendum campaign
Mrs May deserves respect for bringing us this far on time, with her red lines intact and her government in one piece
In blocking my Bill, Sir Christopher Chope ended up in a political row with him on one side and pretty much everyone else on the other