
Bill Oakley is unimpressed with fans' posts about the fictional "Osaka flu".
The global death toll reaches 6,500 as US president Donald Trump extended the country’s travel ban to the UK and Ireland. Top perfume manufacturer LVMH repurposes its factories to make hand sanitiser free of charge and the World Health Organization declares Europe the new epicentre of the pandemic, as Italy saw 368 deaths in one day.
"It is incredibly dangerous and selfish to take this situation lightly," Ariana wrote on Instagram.
Wellness culture is capitalising on Covid-19. Here's what's a myth and what actually keeps you healthy.
The screen icon and former California governor urges people to remain inside with the help of his miniature pony Whiskey and donkey Lulu.
COVID-19 means US shelters are closing to the public and operating with reduced staff.
Disabled and immunocompromised people are tweeting with #HighRiskCOVID19 to explain why social distancing can mean the difference between life and death.
I try to force the vision out of my head of labouring alone in a hospital room where visitors aren’t allowed, hoping a doctor is freed up in time to help me to deliver, writes Christine Meade.
Madonna and Katy Perry have also fallen for other versions of the video.
The Jarrow MP says she will continue to self isolate, and urges others to help most vulnerable.