"Those who peddle in lies and fear are creating vaccine hesitancy which in turns leads to divided communities and eroding trust."
The education secretary said he hoped the decision would be made 'very very soon'.
The podcaster did not say if he had been vaccinated against the disease.
Being double-jabbed is the best way to avoid long-lasting symptoms.
Booster vaccines for immunocompromised – but decision on wider roll-out of further protection yet to be made.
The Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance has been boosting ivermectin, new reporting shows, and gaining a large following online.
Still on the fence about the jab? Here's a reminder of the facts.
Some of the symptoms of blood cancer are easily mistaken for Covid, a charity has warned.
Restrictions on American travellers likely amid rising coronavirus infections.
Urinating incorrectly, not wiping properly, sex, and even Covid treatment can leave you susceptible.