
The UK government may have to borrow £372.2bn this year. How the hell do we pay it back?
Your financial woes could literally be making you sick.
As hopeless as our situations seem, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel... as long as you’re willing to claw, dig, and fight to get to it, writes Humble the Poet
Johnson must pledge more money to people to help them get through tough times, writes the head of Citizen's Advice, Gillian Guy.
It makes you feel like a failure but getting a bankruptcy can actually be a blessing.
The move has been welcomed for its potential to save lives.
MPs are calling for regulations – and even body cameras.
The vulnerable need protection from "aggressive debt collection".
The government is facing criticism for forcing people to take loans while they wait for payments.
A new report by the TUC cites government austerity and a stagnation in wages are to blame for a peak high in UK household debt. But the report doesn’t include mortgages or the latest Christmas period, which means the current figure could be even higher.