donald trump jr

The president's oldest son used multiple four-letter words and a slur before ending with "Congrats, moron."
Italian officials said that the president's eldest son killed an incredibly rare, protected duck without the proper hunting permits.
"I get to be around 1,000 drunk people giving me their political opinions that I don't necessarily want to hear," said the president-elect's son.
An exchange over the idea of Musk buying the network took a turn.
The former president's son only managed to remind people why the Minnesota governor called the GOP "weird" in the first place.
Donald Trump Jr. shared his dad’s campaign statement, which called the trial “a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family.”
The former president's son looked back on his father's administration as he knocked "Bidenomics" at an Iowa campaign event.
The son of the former president gets a blunt reminder of what he said on the day of the Capitol attack.
The late night host tore into the "Gambozo" family over their latest courtroom claim.