Face Book

The aim is to step up strategy of bypassing mainstream media, using Twitter activists and Facebook groups.
Violent demonstrations erupted outside the Old Bailey as Stephen Yaxley-Lennon's supporters protested the sentence.
A Facebook outage yesterday revealed the text tags associated to photos, scaring some users with how accurately their photos were described. Facebook uses tagging to allow visually impaired users to “see” photos on the site, but what isn’t clear is if this information is sold to advertisers. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used widely across phone and social media technology, from portrait mode on your iPhone to being able to search your Google photos for pictures of your cat.
Social media panic as outage halts important posts. Users turn to Twitter.
Homework isn't just frustrating for kids. Sometimes it baffles their parents as well.
When Fran Taylor saw the birthday banner hanging in her living room, she realised it didn't make any sense whatsoever... 🙈
We don’t want social media spying on us, but we also want them to stop hatred from spreading online. Activists, politicians and users are demanding answers and action from the tech companies. HuffPost Canada’s senior business editor, Daniel Tencer, describes how social media companies created the problems they now have to fix.
The tech giant is entering the cryptocurrency space, but don't expect Libra to be another Bitcoin.
The digital currency, called Libra, is scheduled to launch in 2020 with partners including PayPal, Uber, Spotify, Visa and Mastercard.