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There’s a new viral challenge that doesn’t involve dancing or consuming noxious substances, and this one is helping save the world. The #TrashTag Challenge is seeing people find areas covered in litter and debris, cleaning them up, and then posting the before and after photos on social media.
The internet turns 30 on 12 March and like most 30-year-olds it is having a bit of a crisis of identity about what it's meant to be doing, who it belongs to and how it's supposed to make money. Creator Tim Berners-Lee has been pretty vocal about his disappointment at how things have turned out - but is there a chance it can still turn things around?
If we are serious about neutralising the threat of the far right, especially as Brexit looms, we should be looking at any attempt by groups and figures to increase both visibility and numbers.
"We reserve the right not to sell certain inappropriate content,” the online retail giant said.
The far right agitator seeks to fund his lifestyle off the back of his social media following – never has spreading hate been so fashionable, public, or profitable
The social network said he had violated its rules.
Instead of scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, stare into space. Find inspiration through more nourishing pastimes like reading, talking, thinking, dreaming, doing, living
Does the platform deal differently with sexual images when they're shared publicly versus privately?
"If you feel like a failure today, just know that I wore a car seat cover a friend gave me."