face masks

As face masks become mandatory in some English schools, environmental charities are urging the public to buy reusable coverings.
Education secretary suggestions pubs and restaurants would be closed down before schools if there is a significant coronavirus outbreak.
Here's what works best for keeping a pesky cough under wraps in coronavirus times.
Scotland, academies and possibly even London are going their own way on the issue.
Nicola Sturgeon is consulting on whether secondary students should wear coverings in corridors but No.10 has "no plans" for a review in England.
Here's the latest guidance on which age groups need them.
The X Factor twins called out Jim Corr after he praised the "great turnout" at this weekend's Dublin protest.
Some dentists in the US have reported a spike in patients seeking relief from bad breath.
Public loos could fling virus-laden droplets up into the air, studies suggest – and that includes urinals.
Some styles of face mask could increase the risk of infection, new research suggests.