Family and Relationships

Alabama Public Television chose not to air an episode of the PBS children’s show “Arthur”, as it shows the children’s teacher, Mr Ratburn, getting married to another man (well, aardvark). The director of programming said children can watch it without supervision of their parents. Gay marriage has been legal in the US since 2015, and the move has drawn criticism from the LGBT community and others.
"'Sleep when the baby sleeps' is great advice if you can drive with your eyes closed."
The batch of photos come just days after the Duke and Duchess of Sussex welcomed their first child.
Sara Canning said the issue shouldn't be a political football.
The 23-year-old's family has been informed of his death.
"My three-year-old son just asked me, 'Can you take me to the Vampire State Building?'"
The former WCW star appeared alongside Jack Black in Nacho Libre.