
Over the last seven years, we've given out 370,773 meals, 40% to children – if we had a birthday wish, we'd wish no one needed our help any more
Universal Credit, the largest welfare reform in a generation was supposed to make receiving benefits and getting back into work easier but for many this has had the opposite effect. Delays in payments, sanctions and underpayments have seen a rise in people being forced to use food banks, falling into rent arrears and even homelessness. Drawing on the experiences of those in The Wirral, where there’s been a 32% increase in food bank use since the roll out of UC in November 2017, volunteer groups like Fans Supporting Foodbanks and local politicians in Liverpool, are bracing themselves for the full rollout of universal credit.
He raised a whopping £680 which he split between two local foodbanks.
Police say enquiries are ongoing after iPads, a hard drive, food and Christmas money were stolen.
“What we don’t think of, what we take for granted, what most people might think nothing of – means the world to others."
Raab’s historic comments were highlighted by a BBC journalist in a tweet shared hundreds of times.
A pilot scheme in Exeter saw donations triple, all thanks to a group of forward-thinking teens.
Foodbank use is up 87% in Rudd's constituency since Universal Credit was rolled out - it's entirely appropriate she is now in charge of the policy
I saw Philip Alston in action and the gratitude people showed - these people's experiences must not be ignored