free school meals
The Swan School in Summertown offers options such as lentil lasagne, minted pea and feta frittata and Quorn sausage and potato bake.
Families, already trying to survive on low incomes, will be made hundreds of pounds worse off
Some children currently receiving free lunches WILL miss out
'No family should be worrying that their kids are going hungry at school.'
Almost one million children who are living in poverty in England don’t currently get free school meals
If The Tories Put As Much Effort Into Helping Children As They Do Spinning, No Child Would Go Hungry
Here’s the truth behind the Tories claims, one by one
The five things you need to know about politics today.
Crunch Commons vote over Universal Credit changes
Labour calls new earning threshold move "an absolute scandal' - but ministers say the poorest benefit.
Pressure is mounting on the government to pause its roll-out.