
This is our chance to prevent millions from falling into destitution, writes Jonathan Bartley.
Chancellor points to "worsening economic backdrop" and says he will review decision, which only affects areas in tier 3, in January.
All your questions about the new furlough extension answered.
Boris Johnson announced a second lockdown weeks after his own scientific advisers urged him to tighten restrictions.
Emergency wages scheme to be extended as prime minister orders new shutdown for England.
Chancellor says workers will get 73% of wages for a new minimum of 20 hours worked, but Labour dismiss plan as "sticking plaster".
The government and Andy Burnham could not agree about the level of support needed for workers in the region as tier 3 lockdown bites.
People are wrongly being asked to choose between their health and their livelihoods. This is not sustainable, writes Andrew O'Brien.
Coronavirus has shown how important rigorous, segregated and consistent data collection is, writes Rachael Revesz.
Lockdown 2.0 comes with a greatly scaled-down level of support for workers, businesses and students – but the government has refused to budge.