Hegemonic masculinity

Our father murdered our mum and sister in cold blood before committing suicide. He believed he was entitled to kill us if we didn’t obey him.
The new Gillette advert asks if men can be more while referencing toxic masculinity, the MeToo movement and bullying, and it has caused a stir. While some have praised the company for highlighting the issues as well as praising men for strength and friendship, others have criticised it for demonising masculinity. HuffPost UK takes a look at how men have been portrayed in advertising in the past.
Men are ready to change and the world at large needs that change - towards a new breed of man who feels comfortable being himself rather than conforming to a narrow and outdated set of stereotypes
Straight men in a heteronormative world have a collective responsibility to call each other out for our excesses, to unlearn the bad lessons from childhood